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CloudUploader My First Bash Script

Published: at 02:20 AM

Moving on with my journey towards the cloud, following the roadmap from LTC, my next challenge was to create a bash script that lets me upload files into a cloud storage solution. For this, I worked with an AWS S3 bucket and the AWS CLI.

One of the first things I did was to lay out the steps the program needs to take to achieve the goal.

  1. Get command line arguments.
  2. Check if the given argument file path exists.
    1. if the file doesn’t exist, throw and error.
  3. Use the AWS CLI to upload the file to a specific bucket.
  4. Display an upload confirmation.

With that outline in mind, I started working.

The first script

The first thing to do was to create a .sh file. To test it out, I did a basic hello world.

echo "Hello World!"

Every bash script must start with #!/bin/bash, this tells the system what interpreter to use when we execute the script.

Running the script printed Hello World! in the terminal. Nice.

Getting command line arguments in bash

To get a command line argument in bash we call the built-in variable $1, this gives us the first argument passed in. If we have more arguments, we simply call $2 and so on and so forth.

As per the requirements for this script, we needed two command line arguments and a way to check if I passed in the required number of arguments.

Thankfully there is a built-in variable called $# which contains the number of arguments we passed in to the script. Combining this with an if statement I did the following.

if [ $# -lt 2 ]
	echo "Usage:"
	echo "clouduploader <source_file> <destination>"

Few things to note:

  1. Whitespaces inside the brackets of an if statement are not optional.
  2. if..else blocks ends with fi.

Checking if file exists

The next step was to check if the file exists or not. For this, I worked with bash for loops, while also making use of another bash built in variable called $@ which contains all the parameters passed to the script. This allowed me to pass any number of arguments and check if all of them are valid file paths.

for argument in "$@"
  if [ "$argument" == "$BASH_ARGV" ]
  if [ ! -f "$argument" ]
    echo "File does not exist."

Another useful built in variable is $BASH_ARGV. As per the bash manual:

An array variable containing all of the parameters in the current bash execution call stack. The final parameter of the last subroutine call is at the top of the stack; the first parameter of the initial call is at the bottom. When a subroutine is executed, the parameters supplied are pushed onto BASH_ARGV.

In line 7, I’m checking if the file doesn’t exist with [ ! -f "$argument"].

Things to note:

  1. for loops start with do and end with done.

Handling the file upload

Now that the file paths are valid, We proceed with the file upload using the AWS CLI.

for argument in "$@"
  if [ "$argument" == "$BASH_ARGV" ]
      echo "Upload complete!"
  aws s3 cp "$argument" "$S3URI"
  if [ $? -eq 1 ]
    echo "Error uploading file."

In this last bit, I’m looping through all the passed in parameters and uploading each file to the S3 bucket with the aws s3 command. For the last bit of the script, to handle possible errors uploading, I used the built-in variable $? to check if the previous command was successful.

Closing thoughts

This relatively simple bash script made me realize the interesting things we can do with bash scripting, here we streamlined a multi-file upload to an Amazon S3 bucket using the AWS CLI. I am now aware of the possibilities of bash scripting.

Down into an automation rabbit hole with bash.

Hope to see you again on my next blog.

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