I’m back
It’s been a while since I wrote a blog post, but here we are, with a new coat of paint, new things to learn and lots of dreams.
New dreams
In late August 2023, I decided that I wanted to focus more on a tech related career; this led me to Harvard’s CS50x course. Hailed as one of the best introductions to computer science courses available online, I took the plunge and started my computer science journey there. I’ll try to write a blog talking about my experience with the course.
During the following months, I got interested in the cloud and their related technologies. After searching the internet for a while, I found this study plan that I’m going to follow and write blog posts about my journey into the cloud.
New journey, new blog
After working with web technologies and the JavaScript ecosystem for a while, I decided to migrate my blog, hugo was a great static site generator, but I wanted to try another one. The new blog was built using Astro with the astro-paper theme, I found it comfortable for my use case, and the theme was very pleasing on the eyes.
This blog will serve as documentation of my studies in this exciting new world.
Stay tuned for more content.